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Star Citizen Wiki

Ship Showdown 2021 was a online voting competition set in two phases. Phase 1 was called the Community Call and ran from August 23 to September 6, 2021, during this time anyone could submit their creation that featured one of the Flight ready ships or Flight ready vehicles in Star Citizen and players had to up-vote creations based on personal preference. Creations could either be submitted on the official website or on Twitter using the hashtag #SCShipShowdown. The sixteen ships/vehicles that had the most votes summarized from all submissions would then form the Best of 16 bracket.[1]

Phase 2, the Live Showdown, began September 8 and ended September 22, 2021. Each match was a one versus one match and lasted for a duration of 24 hours and players we able to vote on the official website. During this phase all ships participating in the tournament were available on the pledge store with a extended insurance. The MPUV Cargo won the Ship Showdown 2021 against the Mercury Star Runner with 18,211 to 18,037 votes. All semi-finalists were available in the parallel running free-fly from September 20 to September 27, 2021.


Best In Show Paint Leather Jacket Backpack

Any player that owns a 600i Explorer, C2 Hercules Starlifter, Mercury Star Runner and/or MPUV Cargo, will receive a Best In Show ship paint and a manufacturer branded Jacket of that respective ship. Ship paints and jackets will not be given to players that only purchased any of the ships in game.

As the winner of Ship Showdown 2021, a backpack will be designed after the MPUV Cargo and it will be given to all backers at Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2951.[2]

Tournament bracket[]

Best of 16 Quarter finals Semi finals Finals
 C2 Hercules Starlifter  15,538
 Caterpillar  5,670  
 C2 Hercules Starlifter  12,685
   Reclaimer  6,931  
 Reclaimer  8,336
 MOLE  7,187  
 C2 Hercules Starlifter  12,894
   MPUV Cargo  13,399  
 Carrack  13,448
 Constellation Andromeda  5,851  
 Carrack  15,629
   MPUV Cargo  15,843  
 MPUV Cargo  11,331
 Freelancer MAX  7,681  
 MPUV Cargo  18,211
   Mercury Star Runner  18,037
 Cutlass Black  10,482
 600i Explorer  10,634  
 600i Explorer  13,306
   Retaliator Bomber  10,938  
 Retaliator Bomber  12,127
 Defender  5,914  
 600i Explorer  7,837
   Mercury Star Runner  14,148  
 Mercury Star Runner  14,929
 Razor  2,696  
 Mercury Star Runner  14,888
   Sabre  6,326  
 Gladius  6,708
 Sabre  9,984  
Winner in bold letters




See also[]

Patch history[]

