Star Citizen – Patch 11.1 |
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Star Citizen Patch 11.1[1]
Build: 5686.19235
- BUG FIX – Disabled Cutlass tractor beam until the hatch clipping issue can be solved
- UPDATE – Internal updates for development
- UPDATE – Icon added for peer to peer support but currently disabled
- KNOWN ISSUE – To enable Oculus Rift mode create a file named ‘user.cfg’ in your ‘StarCitizen/CitizenClient’ folder and add the lines ‘sys_currentHMDtype=1’ and ‘r_stereostrength=-8’
- KNOWN ISSUE – You may be able to get a better picture by setting the resolution to the native Oculus Rift resolution (1200×800)
- KNOWN ISSUE – When in game, your look direction is independent from your travel direction. The player’s body can be turned using the mouse to adjust the player’s movement direction.
- KNOWN ISSUE – There are some camera pops and camera direction changes when entering vehicles and during other animation-driven movements.
- KNOWN ISSUE – During some player animations the camera may stop being updated by the Rift.
- KNOWN ISSUE – There is some stereo separation when looking at objects close to the player, eg. ship controls when in cockpits.
- KNOWN ISSUE – There can be some render skewing/warping when viewing the game at extreme angles.
- KNOWN ISSUE – Rift head tracking only functions in 1st person mode.
- KNOWN ISSUE – Some animations can cause the Rift view to become offset from the player’s body.
- KNOWN ISSUE – UI elements such at the “Use” icon are doubled.
- ↑ "Star Citizen Patch 11.1". Retrieved July 6, 2021.
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