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Star Citizen Wiki
Star Citizen Wiki

This list contains all misdemeanorsthat are sanctioned with fines in UEE controlled space.


Offense Explanation Fine
Battery (First degree) Intentionally applying physical force to another being such that it causes bodily harm up to or past the point of rendering them unconscious. ?
Battery (Second degree) Intentionally applying physical force to another being without that person's consent. ?
Failure to comply Failure to comply with requests or commands of security personnel in the lawful discharge of their duties. ?
Possession of stolen class A controlled substance Intentionally carrying or stowing inside a vehicle they are operating, a material that has been deemed a 'Class A Controlled Substance' by the UEE and / or the local municipally. ?
Possession of stolen class B controlled substance Intentionally carrying or stowing inside a vehicle they are operating, a material that has been deemed a 'Class B Controlled Substance' by the UEE and / or the local municipally. ?
Possession of stolen class C controlled substance Intentionally carrying or stowing inside a vehicle they are operating, a material that has been deemed a 'Class C Controlled Substance' by the UEE and / or the local municipally. ?
Possession of prohibited goods Intentionally carrying, or stowing inside a vehicle they are operating, an item that has been deemed a 'prohibited good' by the UEE and / or the local municipally. ?
Possession of stolen property Intentionally carrying, or stowing inside a vehicle they are operating, an item that is known, or can be reasonably suspected, to be stolen. ?
Trafficking of class A controlled substance Possessing significant quantities (in excess of .125 SCU) of materials that has been deemed a 'Class A Controlled Substance' by the UEE and / or the local municipally with the clear intent to traffick, sell, or distribute said materials. ?
Trafficking of class B controlled substance Possessing significant quantities (in excess of .125 SCU) of materials that has been deemed a 'Class B Controlled Substance' by the UEE and / or the local municipally with the clear intent to traffick, sell, or distribute said materials. ?
Trafficking of stolen property Possessing significant quantities (in excess of 1 SCU) of items that are known, or can be reasonably suspected, to be stolen with a clear intend to traffick, sell, or distribute said stolen property. ?
Trespassing (Second degree) Willfully entering and remaining on private or public property that they do not own nor have they been granted permission from the owner. ?
Unauthorized interdicition The illegal usage of a non-destructive device to interfere with a privately or publicly owned vehicle's ability to function or travel, such as, but not limited to, Quantum Enforcement Devices. ?
Vehicular collision The collision of two or more vehicles attributed to the negligent operation of one of the involved vehicles by a being demonstrating a willful or wanton disregard for safety.

Prohibited goods[]

Items, goods or materials declared illegal by a jurisdiction and / or UEE.

Class A controlled substances[]

Possession or trafficking of any class A controlled substance is illegal in UEE territory.

Class B controlled substances[]

Class B controlled substances are declared illegal to traffick or posses by local jurisdiction.

Class C controlled substances[]

Class C controlled substances are declared illegal to traffick but legal to posses by local jurisdiction.

See also[]

Patch history[]

