The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2951 , IAE 2951 , is a ship show held from November 19 to December 1, 2021. Ship manufacturers showcase their ships on a daily changing schedule. Star Citizen is will also have a free-fly program (free to play) for the duration of the expo[1] , and ships including quantity limited hulls are sold with a 10 year Insurance at the online pledge store. Additionally any player will be rewarded with a manufacturer-themed Spectrum badge if they log in to the game the day the manufacturer is present.[2]
Event schedule [ ]
Free ship rentals
November 19
Anvil Aerospace
Arrow , Ballista , C8X Pisces Expedition , Carrack , F7C Hornet , F7C Hornet Wildfire , F7C-M Super Hornet , F7C-R Hornet Tracker , F7C-S Hornet Ghost , Gladiator , Hawk , Hurricane , Terrapin , Valkyrie
November 20
Roberts Space Industries
Aurora CL , Aurora ES , Aurora LN , Aurora LX , Aurora MR , Constellation Andromeda , Constellation Aquila , Constellation Phoenix , Constellation Taurus , Mantis , Ursa Rover
November 21
Aegis Dynamics
Avenger Stalker , Avenger Titan , Avenger Titan Renegade , Avenger Warlock , Eclipse , Gladius , Gladius Valiant , Hammerhead , Reclaimer , Redeemer , Retaliator Bomber , Sabre , Sabre Comet , Vanguard Harbinger , Vanguard Hoplite , Vanguard Sentinel , Vanguard Warden
November 22
Aopoa Souli Esperia Gatac Manufacture
Aopoa Khartu-Al , Nox Banu Souli Defender Esperia Blade , Glaive , Prowler , Talon , Talon Shrike
November 23
Crusader Industries Tumbril Land Systems
Crusader Industries Ares Starfighter Ion , Ares Starfighter Inferno , A2 Hercules Starlifter , C2 Hercules Starlifter , M2 Hercules Starlifter , Mercury Star Runner Tumbril Cyclone , Cyclone AA , Cyclone MT , Cyclone RC , Cyclone RN , Cyclone TR , Nova
November 24
Origin Jumpworks
85X , 100i , 125a , 135c , 300i , 315p , 325a , 350r , 400i , 600i Touring , 890 Jump , M50
November 25
Argo Astronautics Consolidated Outland Greycat Industrial Kruger Intergalactic
Argo Astronautics MOLE , MPUV Cargo , MPUV Personnel Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha , Mustang Beta , Mustang Delta , Mustang Gamma , Nomad Greycat Industrial ROC , ROC-DS , PTV Kruger Intergalactic P-52 Merlin , P-72 Archimedes
November 26
Drake Interplanetary
Buccaneer , Caterpillar , Cutlass Black , Cutlass Blue , Cutlass Red , Dragonfly Black , Herald
November 27
Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern
Freelancer , Freelancer , Freelancer DUR , Freelancer MAX , Freelancer MIS , Prospector , Razor , Razor EX , Razor LX , Reliant Kore , Reliant Mako , Reliant Sen , Reliant Tana , Starfarer , Starfarer Gemini
November 28
Best In Show Weapons & Armor
MPUV Cargo - Best in Show 2951 Edition , 600i Explorer - Best in Show 2951 Edition , C2 Hercules Starlifter - Best in Show 2951 Edition , Mercury Star Runner - Best in Show 2951 Edition and all ships previously available
November 29 - December 1
All ships previously available
Quantity stock-limited ship sales [ ]
During IAE 2951 various ships are sold in a limited quantity that are offered in three separate waves.[2]
IAE Day 2 - November 20: Constellation Phoenix
IAE Day 3 - November 21: Idris-P , Javelin and Idris-K (Idris Aftermarket Kit)
IAE Day 6 - November 24: 890 Jump
IAE Day 7 - November 25: Pioneer
IAE Day 8 - November 26: Kraken , Kraken Privateer and Kraken Conversion Kit (Kraken Aftermarket Kit)
IAE Day 9 - November 27: Hull E
Wave 1: 8am PST / 4pm UTC
Wave 2: 4pm PST / 12am UTC
Wave 3: 12am PST / 8am UTC
Gallery [ ]
Images [ ]
Day 1 [ ]
F7C-S Hornet Tracker and F7C-S Hornet Ghost
F7C-M Super Hornet and F7A Hornet
F7C Hornet and F7C Hornet Wildfire
Anvil Liberator holo model
Anvil Liberator holo model
Day 2 [ ]
Lineup of Constellation variants
Day 3 [ ]
Avenger Warlock and Avenger Titan Renegade
Avenger Titan and Avenger Stalker
Avenger Titan and Avenger Stalker
Vanguard harbinger and Vanguard Hoplite
Holo model of the Nautilus
Day 4 [ ]
Holo model of the Merchantmen
Day 6 [ ]
890 Jump and 600i Touring
Day 7 [ ]
P-52 Merlin and P-72 Archimedes
Mustang Alpha and Mustang Delta
Mustang Gamma and Mustang Beta
Day 8 [ ]
Holo model of the Corseair
Holo model of the Vulture
Day 9 [ ]
Reliant Mako and Reliant Sen
Videos [ ]
Whitley’s Guide 2951 IAE Special – Part 1
Whitley’s Guide 2951 IAE Special – Part 2
Whitley’s Guide 2951 IAE Special – Part 3
Whitley’s Guide 2951 IAE Special – Part 4
See also [ ]
Patch history [ ]
References [ ]
2021 2020 2019 Gamescom 2019 • Ship Showdown 2949 • Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2949 • CitizenCon 2949
2018 2017 Gamescom 2017 • Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2947 • CitizenCon 2947
2016 Gamescom 2016 • Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2946 • CitizenCon 2016
2015 PAX South 2015 • PAX East 2015 • SXSW 2015 • Gamescom 2015 • CitizenCon 2015
2014 PAX East 2014 • PAX Australia 2014 • Gamescom 2014 • CitizenCon 2014
2013 CitizenCon 2013 • Gamescom 2013
2012 GDC Online 2012