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Star Citizen Wiki
Star Citizen Wiki
This article is currently under construction. It may contain little or inaccurate information.

The points table can be found on any ship page. It lists the attachment points of a ship, its equipment, weapons, components. It is an eminently detailed table and it is not necessarily easy to understand it correctly. This page is intended to teach you to have a quick look to understand it.

Here is a typical example of a point collection table:

Avionics *
Type Quantity Max size Stock size Manufacturer Model
Radar(s) 1  S  S  S  S Unknown Unknown
On-board computer(s) 2x1  S  S  S  S Unknown Unknown
1  S  M  S  M Unknown Unknown

The title[]

Avionics *
Note To learn more about the categories, visit the Ship components and equipment page.

The title designates the general category of components listed in the table. Each category is separated for readability. The (*) indicates that the components listed are the basic ones when they leave the factory, and that they can be modified within the limits of the possibilities of size and quantity. Some categories are often missing, such as the "utility" category, which only appears for larger vessels.

The type[]

On-board computer(s)
Note To learn more about the types, consult the page Ship components and equipment

The type designates the title of the component. A line indicates a possible carrying point, whether or not it is used when leaving the factory. In general, basic equipment equips this point of transport for all ships. You will generally find empty takeout points in the "Armament" category, the others being essential for the operation of the ship.

It happens that for a line the type does not appear. This line indicates an additional carrying point, used or not, for the top components. Generally, they are separated because of their different size.



The amount of components is a tricky place. Generally, there is only one pick-up point, and each pick-up point can only accommodate one component. Sometimes there are several take-off points (2x1, 3x1, 4x1), which are symbolized by the first digit of the line; this is the case when several identical components of the same size can be included in the ship.

"For our example, the component line (on-board computer(s), size S, 2x1) indicates that you will be able to put 2 small on-board computers on the ship."

You will find a number greater than two for the second only in the case of missiles and turrets. It indicates that a single carrying point allows two components to be crimped there. Two weapons in the case of a turret or a large number of missiles thanks to a "rack".

Maximum size[]

Max size
 S  S
 S  S
 S  M

This section indicates the maximum size that the component can have for the point of carriage concerned. This maximum size influences the number of carry points for the type of component. In the table, this value is fixed and indicates that you cannot fix a component of a size larger than that indicated.

There are five sizes:

  • ( S  V) For Vehicle
  • ( S  S) For Small
  • ( S  M) For Medium
  • ( S  L) For Large
  • ( S  C) For Capital

The current size[]

Stock size
 S  S
 S  S
 S  M

This section shows the current size of the factory components installed on the ship.

The Manufacturer[]


The manufacturer is quite simply the commercial organization which produced the component concerned. When it indicates "unknown", it means that CIG indicates "TBD" for "To Be Determinated".

The model[]


The model is that of the component. When it indicates "unknown", it means that CIG only gives a generic name pending clarification.

