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Star Citizen Wiki

Commodities are the raw or process products that can be collected and sold to outposts. . The trading of commodities takes place through a Console that is generally available at space stations, landing zones and outposts.


Name Type Legality Special feature
AcryliPlex Composite Legal Damage sensitive
Agricium Metal Legal
Agricultural Supplies Agricultural Supply Legal
Altruciatoxin Vice Illegal
Aluminum Metal Legal
Astatine Gas Legal
Beryl Mineral Legal
Bexalite Mineral Legal
Borase Metal Legal
Chlorine Gas Legal
Compboard Scrap Legal
Copper Metal Legal
Corundum Mineral Legal
Diamond Mineral Legal
Diluthermex Legal Quantum sensitive
Distilled Spirits Vice Illegal
E'tam Vice Illegal
Fluorine Gas Legal
Gold Metal Legal
Hephaestanite Mineral Legal
Hydrogen Gas Legal
Iodine Gas Legal
Laranite Mineral Legal
Maze Vice Illegal
Medical Supplies Medical Supply Legal
Neon Vice Illegal
Processed Food Food Legal
Quantainium Mineral Legal
Quartz Mineral Legal
Recycled Material Composite Legal
Red Festival Envelope
Revenant Tree Pollen Vice Illegal
SLAM Vice Illegal
Scrap Scrap Legal
Stims Vice Illegal
Taranite Mineral Legal
Titanium Metal Legal
Tungsten Metal Legal
Waste Waste Legal
WiDoW Vice Illegal
Zeta-Prolanide Legal Degrades over time

See also[]

  • Commodities

Patch history[]

